5 Top Shorts To Stream Right Now

Once a short’s career is over it heads to the land of eternity: the world wide web. We picked some of the most successful shorts submitted on FFL in the last few years, incorporating award-winners from the likes of Sydney, Doclisboa, Hollyshorts, Zubroffka, and Filmfest Dresden. Here’s the best award-winner shorts to stream right now. […]

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Doclisboa: “a place for films that question themselves, not just what they portray”

The documentary genre continues to evolve and develop, and Doclisboa remains at the forefront of that. We spoke to their Program Coordinator Miguel Ribeiro regarding the festival, finding out about their collaboration with on demand platforms, his hot tip regarding submitting, and his favorite docs from last year. Andrew Wilkin: What were your most special […]

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